Source code for desk.console_commands

# Steve Goldman, Space Telescope Science Institute,
import ipdb
import time
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from functools import partial
from typing import Union
from desk.set_up import (
from desk.fitting import dusty_fit
from desk.outputs import plotting_seds, interpolate_dusty

desk_path = str(__file__.replace("", ""))

[docs] def grids(): """Prints the model grids available for fitting.""" print("\nDUSTY Grids:") for item in config.grids: print("\t" + str(item)) print("\nExternal Grids:") for item in config.external_grids + ["grams"]: print("\t" + str(item)) print("\n")
[docs] def version(): """Returns DESK version.""" print("\n\tDESK version: " + pkg_resources.get_distribution("desk").version + "\n")
[docs] def sed( source_path: str = ".", source_filename: str = "fitting_results.csv", dest_path: str = ".", save_name: str = "output_sed.png", flux: str = "Wm2", ): """Creates single SED figure of all fit SEDs using the 'fitting_results.csv' file. Parameters ---------- source_path : str Path to source. source_filename : str fit results filename. dest_path : str Path to save figure. save_name : str Figure filename to be saved. flux: str flux type (Wm2 or Jy) Returns ------- png SED figure with data in blue and model in black. """ plotting_seds.create_fig( source_path, source_filename, dest_path, save_name, flux=flux )
[docs] def sed_indiv( source_path: str = ".", source_filename: str = "fitting_results.csv", dest_path: str = ".", flux: str = "Wm2", ): """Creates individual SED figures for all fit SEDs using the 'fitting_results.csv' file. Parameters ---------- source_path : str Path to source. source_filename : str fit results filename. dest_path : str Path to save figure. save_name : str Figure filename to be saved. flux: str flux type (Wm2 or Jy) Returns ------- png SED figure with data in blue and model in black. """ plotting_seds.single_figures(source_path, source_filename, dest_path, flux=flux)
[docs] def vizier_sed(target_name: Union[str, tuple], r: float = 5, source_path: str = "."): from astropy.coordinates import get_icrs_coordinates from desk.set_up.vizier_sed import query_sed from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u """Obtains SED using Morgan Fouesneau's vizier_sed script ( Package then is parsed into a version usable by the DESK. Parameters ---------- target : str or tuple Name of target to be resolved by Vizier or tuple with ra and dec in degrees. r : float Cone radius to search for photometry within vizier. returns: csv file with photometry in wavelength (um), flux (Jy), and instrument filter. """ # Checks if name if isinstance(target_name, str): if "(" in target_name: # command line passes tuple as string results = query_sed(eval(target_name), radius=float(r)) csv_name = ( "vizier_phot_" + str(eval(target_name)[0]) + "_" + str(eval(target_name)[1]) + ".csv" ) else: coords = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name) results = query_sed([coords.ra.value, coords.dec.value], radius=float(r)) csv_name = target_name.replace(" ", "_") + "_sed.csv" # Checks if tuple of ra and dec in deg elif isinstance(target_name, tuple): results = query_sed(target_name, radius=r) csv_name = ( "vizier_phot_" + str(target_name[0]) + "_" + str(target_name[1]) + ".csv" ) else: raise ValueError( "Input format not understood: " + str(target_name) + "\n Examples: " + "\n\t desk.vizier_sed('HM Sge')" + "\n\t desk.vizier_sed('HMSge', 5)" + "\n\t desk.vizier_sed((295.4879586347,16.7446716483))" + "\n\t desk.vizier_sed((295.4879586347,16.7446716483), 4)" ) output_table = Table( ( results["sed_freq"].to(, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value, results["sed_flux"], results["sed_eflux"], results["sed_filter"], ), names=("wave_um", "flux_jy", "eflux_jy", "filter"), ) output_table.sort("wave_um") output_table.write(source_path + "/" + csv_name, overwrite=True) print("\nPhotometry saved as: '" + csv_name + "'") print( "\n\tTo explore photometry further, go to:\n\t \n" )
[docs] def save_model( grid_name: str, requested_grid_number: int, requested_grid_index: int, luminosity: int, distance_in_kpc: float, custom_output_name: str = "", ): """A function for returning a dusty grid model wavelength and flux with the grid_index, and grid_number, the luminosity, and the distance. File is output as csv in the current directory. Can add custom name in front of output, for if the model is generated with an associated target (i.e.) via the dusty_fit function with the save_model flag set to true. Parameters ---------- grid_name : str Name of grid used. requested_grid_number : int Description of parameter `requested_grid_number`. requested_grid_index : int Description of parameter `requested_grid_index`. luminosity : int luminosity of model (in solar luminosities) distance_in_kpc : float Distance in kpc. custom_output_name: str Custom name for output in save_model_spectrum. Returns ------- type : csv file File with desired model wavelengtn and flux, scaled by user-set distance and luminosity. """ # identify and return correct dusty model grid_dusty, grid_outputs = get_models.get_model_grid(grid_name, respond=False) correct_ind = get_models.get_model_index_using_number( grid_name, grid_outputs, requested_grid_number, requested_grid_index ) model_indiv = grid_dusty[correct_ind] # scaling factor scaling_factor = ((float(distance_in_kpc) / ** 2) / 1379 # scale model fluxes scaled_fluxes = np.array(model_indiv[1]) * luminosity / scaling_factor scaled_model = Table( (model_indiv[0], scaled_fluxes), names=("wavelength_um", "flux_wm2") ) scaled_model.write( custom_output_name + grid_name + "_" + str(int(requested_grid_index)) + "_" + str(int(requested_grid_index)) + "_" + str(int(luminosity)) + "_" + str(int(distance_in_kpc)) + ".csv", overwrite=True, )
[docs] def fit( source: str = desk_path + "put_target_data_here", distance: float =["distance_in_kpc"], grid: str = config.fitting["default_grid"], n: int = config.fitting["default_number_of_times_to_scale_models"], min_wavelength: float = config.fitting["default_wavelength_min"], max_wavelength: float = config.fitting["default_wavelength_max"], multiprocessing: int = cpu_count() - 1, save_model_spectrum: bool = True, testing: bool = False, ): """ Fits the seds of sources with specified grid. Parameters ---------- source : str Name of target in array of strings (or one string). distance : float Distance to source(s) in kiloparsecs. grid : str Name of model grid. n : str or int Number of times to scale the grid between the lum_min and lum_max specified in the script (essentially grid density). min_wavelength : float Minimum wavelength to fit, the other data will still be shown in the output SED. max_wavelength : float Maximum wavelength to be fit. multiprocessing : bool or int Uses all but one core if True, only one core if False, or uses the number of cores specified as an integer. save_model_spectrum: Whether to save the model sprcetum as csv file. testing : bool Flag for testing that uses only the first 3 rows of the mode grids. """ # Set-up ################################################################### # timer startTime = time.time() # get data filenames file_names = get_data.compile_data(source) # gets models grid_dusty, grid_outputs = get_models.get_model_grid(grid, testing) # create class for scaling to full grids full_grid_params = full_grid.instantiate( grid, grid_dusty, grid_outputs, float(distance), int(n) ) # scale to full grids and get distance scaling factors full_outputs, full_model_grid = full_grid.retrieve(full_grid_params) # get model wavelengths model_wavelength_grid = grid_dusty["wavelength_um"][0] # initialize fitting parameters fit_params = get_inputs.fitting_parameters( file_names, source, distance, grid, n, model_wavelength_grid, full_model_grid, full_outputs, min_wavelength, max_wavelength, save_model_spectrum, testing, ) # remove old / create new output files create_output_files.make_output_files_dusty(fit_params) if testing == False: # Get number of cores to use # trys (moves to except if not int(bool)) if type(multiprocessing) == int: n_cores = multiprocessing # if True: max cores - 1, if False: 1 core else: if (multiprocessing == "True") | (multiprocessing == True): n_cores = cpu_count() - 1 elif (multiprocessing == "False") | (multiprocessing == False): n_cores = 1 else: raise ValueError( "Multiprocessing error: Invalid option: " + str(multiprocessing) ) # check if too many cores specificed if n_cores > cpu_count(): raise ValueError( "Invalid multiprocessing options: Insufficient cores " + "\n Available cores: " + str(cpu_count()) ) # check if less than 1 elif n_cores < 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid multiprocessing options. Value must be positive: " + str(multiprocessing) ) elif testing == True: # ignore n_cores and replace with 1 if in testing mode n_cores = 1 fit_params.save_model_spectrum = False else: raise ValueError("Invalid testing options: " + str(testing)) if grid == "desk-mix": # grid too big for multi-processing n_cores = 1 fit_params.save_model_spectrum = False # Fitting print("\nFit parameters\n--------------") print("Grid:\t\t" + grid) print("Distance:\t" + str(distance) + " kpc") if fit_params.grid in config.external_grids: print("Grid density:\t" + str(n) + " (ignored as it is an external grids)") else: print("Grid density:\t" + str(n)) print("# of cores:\t" + str(n_cores)) if n_cores == 1: # Single-core fitting [dusty_fit.fit_single_source(x, fit_params) for x in range(len(file_names))] else: # Multi-core fitting pool = Pool(n_cores) mapfunc = partial(dusty_fit.fit_single_source, fit_params=fit_params), range(len(file_names)), chunksize=1) print("See fitting_results.csv for more information.") # automatically create sed figure # plotting_seds.create_fig() # Print execution time executionTime = time.time() - startTime if executionTime < 200: print("Execution time: " + str("{:.2f}".format(executionTime)) + " s") elif (executionTime > 200) & (executionTime < 3600): print("Execution time: " + str("{:.2f}".format(executionTime / 60)) + " m") else: print("Execution time: " + str("{:.2f}".format(executionTime / 60 / 60)) + " h")
if __name__ == "__main__": fit()