Source code for desk.outputs.plotting_seds

import sys
import math
import seaborn as sns
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from astropy.table import Table
from desk.set_up import get_data, config, get_models


[docs] def plot_phot(x_data:list, y_data:list, ax): ax.scatter(x_data, y_data) return ax
[docs] def plot_model(x_model:list, y_model:list, ax): ax.plot(x_model, y_model, c="k", linewidth=0.4, linestyle="--", zorder=2) return ax
[docs] def wm2_to_Jy(wave_in_microns:list, wm2:list): wm2_w_units = (wm2 * u.W / (u.m * u.m)) / ( (wave_in_microns *, equivalencies=u.spectral()) ) jy = return jy
[docs] def source_name_annotation(name: str, ax): ax.annotate( str(name).replace("_", " "), (0.95, 0.8), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="right", fontsize=14, )
[docs] def counter_annotations(counter:int, ax): ax.annotate( str(counter + 1), (0.075, 0.85), ha="left", va="center", xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=14, ) return ax
[docs] def set_inward_ticks(ax): ax.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which="both", direction="in", labelsize=12) ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which="both", direction="in", labelsize=12) return ax
[docs] def set_limits(x_model, y_model, x_data, y_data, ax): # set y_limits using median of model in wavelength range of data median = np.median(y_model[(x_model > np.min(x_data)) & (x_model < np.max(x_data))]) y_min = median - 2 # room below y_max = median + 1.75 # room above # addes to range if median data is out of range y_diff = np.median(y_data) - median if y_diff > 0: y_max = y_max + y_diff else: y_min = y_min + y_diff ax.set_xlim(-0.99, 2.49) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) return ax
[docs] def add_axis_labels(fig, fontsize, _flux): # Common figure labels ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) ax.tick_params(labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False) ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlabel(r"log $\lambda$ ($\mu m$)", labelpad=10, fontsize=fontsize) if _flux == "Jy": ax.set_ylabel(r"log F$_{\nu}$ " + "(Jy)", labelpad=15, fontsize=fontsize) else: ax.set_ylabel( r"log $\lambda$ F$_{\lambda}$ " + "(W m$^{-2}$)", labelpad=15, fontsize=fontsize, ) return fig
[docs] def get_model_and_data_for_plotting( counter, target, source_path, source_filename, flux ): """ Gets data from target.csv file and model from grid file. Parameters ---------- counter : int The nth item being fit, starting at 1. target : astropy table row Results of fit item read from fitting_plotting_outputs.csv. source_path: str Path of source source_filename: str Filename of fitting results flux: str flux type (Wm2 or Jy) Returns ------- x_data: array log of the wavelength of the data in microns. y_data: array log of the flux of the data in w*m^-2 x_model: array log of the wavelength of the model in microns. y_model: array log of the flux of the model in w*m^-2 """ full_path = str(__file__.replace("outputs/", "")) input_file = + "/" + source_filename) grid_dusty = full_path + "models/" + str(input_file["grid_name"][0]) + "_models.hdf5" ) grid_outputs = full_path + "models/" + str(input_file["grid_name"][0]) + "_outputs.hdf5" ) x_data, y_data = get_data.get_values(target["file_name"]) if target["grid_name"] in config.external_grids: correct_index = get_models.get_model_index_using_number( target["grid_name"], grid_outputs, target["number"] ) else: correct_index = get_models.get_model_index_using_number( target["grid_name"], grid_outputs, target["number"], target["grid_idx"] ) x_model_init, y_model_init = grid_dusty[correct_index] x_model_select = x_model_init[np.where(y_model_init != 0)] y_model_select = y_model_init[np.where(y_model_init != 0)] y_model_scaled = y_model_select * np.power(10, input_file[counter]["norm"]) if flux == "Jy": y_model_plot = wm2_to_Jy(x_model_select, y_model_scaled) y_data_plot = wm2_to_Jy(x_data, y_data) else: # wm2 y_model_plot = y_model_scaled y_data_plot = y_data x_model_log = np.log10(x_model_select) y_model_log = np.log10(y_model_plot) x_data_log = np.log10(x_data) y_data_log = np.log10(y_data_plot) return x_model_log, y_model_log, x_data_log, y_data_log
[docs] def single_figures(source_path, source_filename, dest_path, flux): """ Takes results from fitting_plotting_outputs.csv and plots SEDs. Plots in individual figures. Returns ------- png's SED figures with data in blue and model in black. """ try: input_file = + "/" + source_filename) except: raise FileNotFoundError( "fitting_results.csv missing. Make sure you have run the ``fit'' command." ) for counter, target in enumerate(input_file): # gets data for plotting x_model, y_model, x_data, y_data = get_model_and_data_for_plotting( counter, target, source_path, source_filename, flux=flux ) # Figure plotting fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(6, 4)) set_limits(x_model, y_model, x_data, y_data, ax1) plot_model(x_model, y_model, ax1) plot_phot(x_data, y_data, ax1) ax1.annotate( str(target["source"]).replace("_", " "), (0.95, 0.9), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="right", fontsize=14, ) add_axis_labels(fig, 12, flux) fig.savefig( dest_path + "/" + "output_sed_" + str(target["source"]) + ".png", dpi=200, bbox_inches="tight", ) plt.close()
[docs] def create_fig(source_path, source_filename, dest_path, save_name, flux): """Creates single SED figure of all fit SEDs using the source_filename file. Parameters ---------- source_path : str Path to source. source_filename : str fit results filename. dest_path : str Path to save figure. save_name : str Figure filename to be saved. flux: str flux type (Wm2 or Jy) Returns ------- png SED figure with data in blue and model in black. """ try: input_file = + "/" + source_filename) except: raise FileNotFoundError( "fitting_results.csv missing. Make sure you have run the ``fit'' command." ) if flux == "Wm2": print("Using Wm2\n") elif flux == "Jy": print("Using Jy\n") else: print( "Unidentified option: " + str(flux) + "\nUsing Wm2. Alternative option is Jy." ) n = len(input_file) # number of fit sources # setting figure size and axes for different numbers of fit sources if n != 1: if n == 2: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(6, 7.5)) elif n == 3: fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(6, 7.5)) elif n > 17: print( "\n\n\tToo many sources for combined figure. Use the function `desk sed_indiv` \n\t" + "to create individual figures. You can also retrieve the best-fit model \n\t" + "and create your own SED figure using the `desk save_model` function. \n\n" ) sys.exit() else: figure_rows = math.ceil(n / 3) fig, axs = plt.subplots( figure_rows, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(8, (figure_rows * 1.5)), ) axs = axs.ravel() # axis common labels add_axis_labels(fig, 14, flux) for counter, target in enumerate(input_file): # gets data for plotting x_model, y_model, x_data, y_data = get_model_and_data_for_plotting( counter, target, source_path, source_filename, flux ) # plotting plot_model(x_model, y_model, axs[counter]) plot_phot(x_data, y_data, axs[counter]) # set axis limits if counter == 0: set_limits(x_model, y_model, x_data, y_data, axs[counter]) # annotations if len(input_file) < 4: source_name_annotation(target["source"], axs[counter]) else: counter_annotations(counter, axs[counter]) # ticks set_inward_ticks(axs[counter]) # set ticks for empty cells n_empty_cells = len(axs.ravel()) % len(input_file) if n_empty_cells == 1: set_inward_ticks(axs.ravel()[-1]) elif n_empty_cells == 2: set_inward_ticks(axs.ravel()[-1]) set_inward_ticks(axs.ravel()[-2]) # save figure plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) fig.savefig(dest_path + "/" + save_name, dpi=200, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() else: single_figures(source_path, source_filename, dest_path, flux)
# if __name__ == "__main__": # create_fig()