Source code for desk.set_up.get_data

# Steve Goldman, Space Telescope Science Institute,
import os
import glob
import ipdb
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from import read
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from desk.set_up import error_messages

[docs] def get_values( filename: str, min_wavelength: float = 0, max_wavelength: float = 1000, fitting: bool = False, ): """ Reads csv file, convets Jy to Wm2, sorts both by wavelength. Returns both as 1D arrays. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of csv file name. The file should have: Column 0: wavelength in um, Column 1: flux in Jy max_wavelength:float The maximum wavelength in um to fit the data. min_wavelength:float The maximum wavelength in um to fit the data fitting: bool Whether fitting or displaying data. If fitting=True, function will trim data using min_wavelength and max_wavelength. Returns ------- x: 1D array wavelength in um y: 1D array flux in w/m2 """ table = read(filename, delimiter=",", names=[]) table.rename_columns((table.colnames[0], table.colnames[1]), ("wavelength", "flux")) if fitting == True: table = table[ (table["wavelength"] > float(min_wavelength)) & (table["wavelength"] < float(max_wavelength)) ] if len(table) < 2: print(table) raise error_messages.Fitting_Range_Error( "\n\nCurrent Range: " + str(min_wavelength) + " - " + str(max_wavelength) + " um\n" ) # remove empty fluxes and bad wavelengths real_data = table[(table["wavelength"] > 0) & (table["flux"] > 0)] real_data.sort(real_data.colnames[0]) x = np.array(real_data.columns[0]) y = np.array(real_data.columns[1]) y = y * u.Jy y = / (u.m * u.m), equivalencies=u.spectral_density(x * return x, np.array(y)
[docs] def compile_data(source : str): """ Returns array with csv filename or csv filenames in specified directory. Parameters ---------- source : str user input source name Returns ------- data: array array with 1 or multiple filenames """ # checks if single source with good filename if fnmatch(source, "*.csv"): try: with open(source) as f: f.readlines() data = np.array([source]) except IOError: raise error_messages.BadFilenameError(source) # checks if dir with csv files elif os.path.isdir(source): source_dir = (source + "/").replace("//", "/") # if input dir ends in / if glob.glob(source_dir + "/*.csv"): file_names = glob.glob(source + "/" + "*.csv") data = np.array(file_names) else: raise error_messages.BadSourceDirectoryError(source) else: raise error_messages.BadFilenameError(source) return data