Source code for desk.set_up.get_models

# Steve Goldman, Space Telescope Science Institute,
import os
import ipdb
import numpy as np
import h5py
from typing import Union
from shutil import copyfile
from astropy.table import Table, Column
from import download_file
from desk.set_up import config

[docs] def read_hdf5(filename: str, testing: Union[bool, str]): """Reads HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str name of the file to be read including the full path. testing : str If testing flag enabled, the function will only return the first couple columns of the table. Returns ------- out: astropy table contents of table at filename. """ with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: key = list(f.keys())[0] if (testing == True) | (testing == "True"): data = list(f[key][0:3]) else: data = list(f[key]) out = Table(np.array(data)) return out
[docs] def get_remote_models(model_grid_name: str): """Downloads models and model results files (HDF5) from BOX. Parameters ---------- model_grid_name : str Name of model grid to download. """ # update if zeonodo repository updated repository = 5912191 fname_dld_outputs = download_file( "" + str(repository) + "/files/" + model_grid_name + "_outputs.hdf5?download=1" ) fname_dld_models = download_file( "" + str(repository) + "/files/" + model_grid_name + "_models.hdf5?download=1" ) copyfile( fname_dld_outputs, config.path + "models/" + model_grid_name + "_outputs.hdf5" ) copyfile( fname_dld_models, config.path + "models/" + model_grid_name + "_models.hdf5" )
# \n Padova options: J400, J1000, H11, R12, R13'
[docs] def check_models(model_grid: str, respond: bool): """ Checks if model grids are available and returns the full path to the model. If the model is not downloaded, it is downloaded via Box. Parameters ---------- model_grid : str Name of model grid to use. respond: Bool Whether to print if models were found. Returns ------- outputs_file: str The full path/name of the model outputs file. models_file: str The full path/name of the model grid file. """ outputs_file = config.path + "models/" + model_grid + "_outputs.hdf5" models_file = config.path + "models/" + model_grid + "_models.hdf5" # Checks if grid is available if os.path.isfile(outputs_file) and os.path.isfile(models_file): if respond == True: print("\nYou already have the grid!\n") else: # asks if you want to download the models if respond == True: print("Models not found locally") get_remote_models(model_grid) return (outputs_file, models_file)
[docs] def get_model_grid(grid: str, testing: bool = False, respond: bool = True): """ Gets the real model grid name if the defaults were chosen,and runs check_models. Parameters ---------- grid : str Model grid name. testing: str Flag for testing that returns small grid (3 rows) respond: Bool Whether to print if models were found. Returns ------- grid_dusty : 2 column astropy table with array of wavelengths (um) and array of fluxes (Wm^2) in each column of each row. The (intial) model grid wavelengths and fluxes. This is not the full model grid with appended scaled models. grid_outputs : astropy table The model grid parameters corresponding to the grid_dusty model grids """ def return_model_grid(_model_grid_name : str, testing : bool, respond : bool): """Checks models and returns model grid and outputs. Parameters ---------- _model_grid_name : str Name of model grid. testing : Bool Whether this is a test. respond: Bool Whether to print if models were found. Returns ------- type Description of returned object. """ outputs_file_name, models_file_name = check_models(_model_grid_name, respond) _grid_dusty = read_hdf5(models_file_name, testing) _grid_dusty.rename_columns(["col0", "col1"], ["wavelength_um", "flux_wm2"]) _grid_outputs = read_hdf5(outputs_file_name, testing) _grid_outputs.add_column(Column([1] * len(_grid_outputs), name="norm")) return _grid_dusty, _grid_outputs # User input for models if grid == "carbon": grid_dusty, grid_outputs = return_model_grid( "amorphous-carbon", testing, respond ) elif grid == "oxygen": grid_dusty, grid_outputs = return_model_grid("silicates", testing, respond) elif grid == "grams": from astropy.table import vstack # combine grams grid_dusty_a, grid_outputs_a = return_model_grid( "grams-oxygen", testing, respond ) grid_dusty_b, grid_outputs_b = return_model_grid( "grams-carbon", testing, respond ) grid_dusty_a["wavelength_um"] = Column( np.pad(grid_dusty_a["wavelength_um"], [(0, 0), (0, 19)]) ) grid_dusty_a["flux_wm2"] = Column( np.pad(grid_dusty_a["flux_wm2"], [(0, 0), (0, 19)]) ) grid_dusty = vstack((grid_dusty_a, grid_dusty_b)) grid_outputs = vstack((grid_outputs_a, grid_outputs_b)) else: if (grid in config.grids) | (grid in config.external_grids): grid_dusty, grid_outputs = return_model_grid(grid, testing, respond) elif (grid in [x.split('_')[0] for x in os.listdir(f"{config.path}models/")]): grid_dusty, grid_outputs = return_model_grid(grid, testing, respond) else: raise ValueError( "\n\nUnknown grid. Please make another model selection.\n\n To see options use: desk grids or desk.grids() in python" ) return grid_dusty, grid_outputs
[docs] def get_model_index_using_number( grid_name : str, grid_outputs, requested_grid_number : int, requested_grid_index : int =0 ): """Returns the model_outputs index of a grid or external grid given. Parameters ---------- grid_name : str Name of the desk grid for which you want a model. grid_outputs : astropy table outputs table read from the `*model*_outfits.hdf5` file. requested_grid_number : int `number` which is a column in the model_outputs. Number is unique for external grids but not for regular grids. requested_grid_index : int `grid_idx` which is a column in the model_outputs. For grids, number and grid_idx create unique identifier. Returns ------- correct_index: int grid outputs index of correct model. """ if grid_name in config.external_grids: correct_index = np.where(grid_outputs["number"] == requested_grid_number)[0] else: correct_index = np.where( (grid_outputs["number"] == requested_grid_number) & (grid_outputs["grid_idx"] == requested_grid_index) )[0] if len(correct_index) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple models that match that criteria") return correct_index[0]